
How to evaluate and improve your costumer experience

The goal of this article is that after reading it you can review you customer journey and evaluate properly their experience, identifying...

Trucos de neuromarketing basados en 6 sesgos humanos

Son muchas las decisiones diarias que tomamos en base a sesgos que inconscientemente hemos interiorizado. Conocerlos es clave para aportar...

Estrategias de marketing para entrar a la Web3

La Web3, también conocida como la web descentralizada, es un concepto que está alcanzando una gran relevancia en la industria del...

Guía Básica sobre los Impuestos en España

Para ayudarte a empezar a hacer negocios en España, el equipo de inlea ha elaborado una guía básica sobre los Impuestos en España,...

[EBOOK] Guía básica sobre fiscalidad de las criptomonedas (2022)

inlea ha elaborado una guía básica sobre la fiscalidad y la declaración de criptomonedas en España para la actual Campaña de la...

¿Qué es el C-commerce o Comercio Conversacional?

En la última década el comercio electrónico ha crecido exponencialmente en consecuencia del proceso de transformación digital. Según...

¿Qué son las Redes Sociales Descentralizadas?

En respuesta a la evolución hacia la Web 3.0, las redes sociales descentralizadas han llegado como la alternativa a las redes sociales...

Green Marketing: buenas prácticas y ejemplos

El Marketing Verde (en inglés, Green Marketing) forma parte del listado de tipos de Marketing que las empresas pueden aplicar con el...

Empezar un negocio en Estados Unidos: formas jurídicas de empresas

Empezar un negocio o extenderlo en otro país siempre es un proceso que genera preocupación en los fundadores, pero con un buen...

Growth Hacking: herramientas y estrategias para impulsar tus ventas

El reto de hacer crecer una empresa es uno de los más fascinantes para cualquier emprendedor. Ahora bien, a nadie le gusta invertir mucho...

Copywriting: técnicas para persuadir con palabras

Las nuevas estrategias de marketing como el Marketing de Contenidos o el Inbound Marketing han provocado que la escritura tenga otro...

Digitalizar la gestión de proyectos: 5 principios a seguir

La digitalización sigue siendo el gran reto al que se enfrentan las empresas en 2021. Desde pequeñas empresas con escasos recursos hasta...

Inlea cierra un acuerdo de colaboración con la correduría internacional de seguros, Riskmedia

RISKMEDIA es una empresa internacional de corretaje de seguros enfocada en la gestión de riesgos Corporativos, Audiovisuales, Deportivos y...

Inlea se asocia con la Fundación el Trampoli para impulsar la digitalización en la inclusión social de personas con discapacidad mental

El Trampolí se enfoca en organizar actividades con el fin de estimular el crecimiento personal de las personas con discapacidad mental y...

Aman Johar sobre las nuevas oportunidades tecnológicas

Aman Johar es un ingeniero apasionado por la tecnología y la innovación mezcladas con los negocios y el ecosistema digital. Con un...

El futuro de la inteligencia artificial y su relación con el marketing digital

La Inteligencia Artificial (AI) está ya más que presente en nuestra vida cotidiana. Hemos normalizado la convivencia con las nuevas...

Día Mundial del Libro 2021: lectura sugerida por el equipo de inlea

El 23 de abril marca el Día Mundial del Libro, una fecha perfecta para recordar la importancia de la lectura para la cultura y el...

Tax Guide for Start-Ups Expanding to the US

When it comes to start-ups there are a lot of things that need to be considered and tax implications are certainly on the list. New...

Inlea se une al programa AWS Activate como Proveedor

AWS Activate es un programa gratuito que proporciona a las nuevas empresas aprobadas recursos para trabajar con Amazon Web Services (AWS)....

Rakesh Ramde sobre el ecosistema innovador en Estados Unidos

Ingeniero de formación, Rakesh Ramde es un experimentado abogado comercial y transaccional apasionado por la tecnología y el desarrollo...

Marca personal: lo que he aprendido de mis sesiones de coaching

A principios de año la dirección de inlea y recursos humanos me propusieron recibir sesiones de coaching con el propósito de indagar en...

Inlea y The Collider firman un convenio de colaboración para impulsar la internacionalización de las start-ups

Con el fin de apoyar a las start-ups y scale-ups en su proceso de crecimiento e internacionalización, The Collider, un programa de la...

Elisabet Coll-Vinent: la internacionalización de las empresas catalanas a Estados Unidos

Economista y psicóloga de formación, la trayectoria profesional de Elisabet Coll-Vinent, ha sido vinculada al asesoramiento de empresas,...

Camino a EE.UU.: mis reflexiones haciendo negocios internacionalmente

En este artículo de opinión, Marco Alonso Castro, Gerente de cuentas para America en inlea, compara su experiencia personal como...

Gerard Fernández: IoT en beneficio de la seguridad de los trabajadores

ENGIDI es una startup, con sede en Barcelona, centrada en el diseño de tecnología portable y la gestión de datos Gerard Fernandez, CEO...

El papel de la mujer en la tecnología: Marta Vallés

VOTTUN es una empresa de certificación blockchain nacida en Barcelona. El enfoque de la compañía se encuentra en el desarrollo de la...

¿Qué recomendamos a los inversores que busquen antes de invertir?

En el contexto innovador actual, lanzar una startup no es ciertamente fácil y está lleno de obstáculos. En inlea, visitamos a muchos...


En la última década, con más personas y cosas conectadas a la red, la demanda de Internet de las cosas (IoT) y profesionales de...


En los últimos años, Estados Unidos se ha convertido en la cuna de la tecnología, la innovación y el talento. Ayer, Joe Biden fue...

Nuevo Año, Nuevas Resoluciones. Una carta de Xavier Simó

Xavier Simó, Presidente de inlea: Llega el final de un año muy difícil para todos, y ahora es el momento de prepararse para un año 2021...

Libros para inspirarte en tu emprendimiento

Empezar un negocio no es una aventura fácil y, en todos los casos, requiere algunos consejos probados y comprobados. Estos libros son...

Agile is not an option

In the tech start-up sector agile is a popular mindset and method used for business and product development. It’s a methodology that aims...

4 Active ICT sectors in Spain during Covid-19

Just a few weeks ahead to closing this complex year 2020, we can summarize and assess which sectors have been most affected by Covid-19, as...

Future of companies, trust

When the World Economic Forum released the Davos Manifesto 2020, it signaled a shift in the corporate world. Shareholder primacy is no...

Offices are going to change

When we think about how the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the real estate industry one, question comes to mind: Do we really need offices...

Why it’s important to have decisive leaders

Decisiveness is one of those skills that people don’t often talk about, but it’s extremely important to great leadership. Have you ever...

Understanding blockchain’s potential to transform business

Every disruptive technology first makes an impact somewhere, often with just one so-called lighthouse industry that stands at the leading...

What will be Silicon Valley’s ‘next big thing’?

Over the last 20 years, Silicon Valley has benefited from a once-in-a-lifetime alignment of advantages. American primacy, the ubiquity of...

Is a pandemic the right time to start a business? It just might be

While containing any further spread is the primary concern, the consequential calamities would haunt us long after eradicating it. There...

Artificial Intelligence will change your workplace

In the next five to ten years, your workplace will look fundamentally different. Thanks to technologies such as artificial intelligence,...

What does the future hold for PPC?

Last year, audiences and automation were just a couple trends PPC marketing experts expected to dominate. But what will be the most...

The importance of having a great business model

Creating a business model isn’t simply about completing your business plan or determining which products to pursue. It’s about mapping...

Why innovation is not that important

Innovation is risky. Customers are not asking for it. We are already successful… Getting momentum behind significant innovation is...

Create your own luck in business

Every business requires a little bit of luck in order to succeed. And often times, success depends on timing and being at the right place...

Hosting polished and professional meetings

More employees are working from home, more meetings are conducted online, and more candidates are interviewing via webcam. When...

The importance of brand values

Your brand values are the beliefs that you, as a company, stand for. They serve as the compass that guides your brand story, actions,...

Finding growth in crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic has upended nearly every aspect of life, from the personal (how people live and work) to the professional (how...

Blockchain and your company

In the past couple of years, cryptocurrencies have garnered a lot of attention. But what disrupted the industry is the technology behind...

You need a CIO

As technology has evolved throughout the years, so have the roles and responsibilities of chief information officers. A CIO is responsible...

Coffee is not always the answer

Pulling an all-nighter to meet a deadline? Don’t worry, take a deep breath and follow these tips to stay sharp and get the work done....

How to hold a successful brainstorming session remotely

  New ideas and approaches are the lifeblood of modern businesses. Today’s commercial world is faster moving than ever before....

How to B2B have changed during COVID-19

The pandemic has brought about many changes to the day-to-day lives of people across the globe. It has slowed down the economy. Trade has...

Leadership and crisis

As countries across the world take unprecedented measures to control the COVID-19 virus, businesses have fired up their crisis management...

Tips to reopen your office (safely)

As the country begins to recover from the coronavirus pandemic and employees start heading back into an office setting, employers need to...

Manage uncertainty in business

Uncertainty is like the weather. It’s always there, part of the atmosphere, and a condition over which individuals and organizations have...

Is your costumer loyal during COVID-19 times?

Repeat customers are the lifeblood of any business, so it’s likely you’re already devoting significant resources to maintaining your...

Teleworking & engagement

Employee engagement is the personal investment and emotional commitment that employees have towards their company. Engaged employees love...

Blockchain immunity passport

A controversial, blockchain-based digital health passport could enable employees currently in lockdown to go back to work. Oracle has...

How your company can confront the uncertainty

Where will we be in six months, a year, ten years from now? We wonder what will happen to our jobs or companies after the coronavirus...

A Successful Global Brand

Pursuing a global brand offers a vast opportunity to expand your business coverage but it essentially entails a lot of hard work in order...

Financial considerations of your overseas expansion

Much like any new venture with a business, it’s a smart idea to first fully assess a number of key financial considerations with your...

Global Teams (that work)

Multinational organizations have had to learn quickly how to do business in a new way. Gone are the days of local monocultural teams...

3 components of global branding

When considering expanding internationally, questions often arise when it comes to logistics, costs, risks, infiltration and more. However,...

Leadership skills

Whether running your own business or leading teams in an office setting, the best leaders require a strong set of leadership qualities to...

Marketing Tool: is the catalog striking back?

Print media and catalog marketing is making a comeback, and in a big way! With the advent of digital media and marketing, and the age of...

8 Steps to Growth Internationally

To continue the growth of your business you can create a new product/service, increase your market penetration, or enter a new market....

Branding adaptation to the international market

In a globalized world like todays, the internationalization is an opportunity to enhance companies’ competitiveness and market...

Sales department: can they help you with digitalization?

Since the dawn of the Internet era, experts have predicted that technology will replace salespeople, and it’s easy to find examples. But...

Don’ts of Global Marketing

It’s exciting to take a business into the international stage, targeting global customers and new opportunities. However, in your hurry...

Is Latin America a good option to expand internationally?

The world is quickly becoming economically integrated, forcing unprecedented changes at every level of industry. Foreign companies are...

How to relax in a plane in a business trip

Remember business trips don’t have to be work, work, work! Find how to make the most of those boring business plane trips with these...

3 global expansion strategies

A growing business is good news for any business owner, and it’s likely one of your goals. One of the routes to growth you may be...

Tactics for effective leadership

Leadership is a crucial role in any organisation. Whether it’s a small group made up of a handful of people, or a multi-site business...

Why international growth needs a cultural preparation?

In a globalized economy, cultural sensitivity is essential. As more companies grow, and the global marketplace becomes more accessible for...

Top 10 countries for digital business

As digital transformation continues to disrupt industries and transform companies worldwide, countries around the globe are seeing...

4 ideas to scale your service internationally

Service businesses are very easy to set up. Unlike product businesses where you must design and build a unique product to bring to market,...

7 examples of really interesting international marketing strategies

Because there is no one-size-fit-all approach to marketing, you often can find the best examples of marketing strategies by brands...

Top 5 ideas that companies can use to adapt financially to change

  In the business world, change is inevitable. Some changes are small and easy to adapt to, while others are large and are more...

3 key benefits of an international expansion

In today’s global economy, companies of all sizes are establishing operations in foreign markets. This type of expansion can provide...

Do you want to create a global brand?

Do you have an export plan? Does this involve capitalizing on your brands? Why not make it global? But of course, you need to have a...

5 ways to improve your business market research

There are so many start-ups set up in the last few years. Some have had tremendous success while others failed. A few years ago, it was not...

4 trends of blockchain for 2020

Technologies are developing at such a speed that this year’s trends need to be thought of as early as possible. Especially if it concerns...

How to set goals to expand internationally?

In the age of globalization, the decision to expand your business into international markets is really a no-brainer. Once you have created...

Why you should go global

Companies go international for a variety of reasons. In general, companies go international because they want to grow or expand operations....

4 Tips de expand your business globally

Every budding entrepreneur wishes and dreams about expanding his small business to foreign shores. However, this dream is bound to face...

How overcome overseas challenge expansion

There are many benefits to expanding a business beyond your country border. Going global is usually a worthy endeavour, but it does bring...

How to cope with email overload

Emails can be major source of stress and disruption in our lives. But don’t panic, there are ways to take back control. How to cope...

How to select the best country for international expansion

Once you’ve established that you’re ready to expand internationally, the next steps are figuring out which international markets to...

Avoid micromanaging

For new and experienced leaders alike, one of their biggest management challenges is learning how to properly delegate. Those who struggle...

Remote teams and your overseas expansion

Thirty years ago, the workplace was a pretty consistent environment. There were cubicles, some conference rooms, and a few closed offices...

Cultural backgrounds: a key for your international expansion

As companies continue to expand across borders and the global marketplace becomes increasingly more accessible for small and large...

Main keys to expand your business globally

Every business hopes to one-day grow and expand. The extent of your ambitions will depend on several factors and may well change over time....

Are you a good leader?

Who do you consider to be a good leader? Maybe it’s a politician, a famous businessperson, or a religious figure. Or maybe it’s...

The Right Way to Grow Your Business Internationally

By definition, “going global” is the worldwide movement toward economic, financial, trade, and communications integration. The concept...

5 Benefits of International Expansion

Have you been thinking about taking your business global? If executed properly, globalization can bring your organization many benefits....

Blockchain and insurance companies

Our digital world is changing at a rapid pace. It is no doubt that technology now impacts our daily life and other aspects with the ability...

How to register your company in USA as Non-Resident

Can non-U.S. residents form a business here in the United States? While the answer to our question is definitely a resounding, “yes”,...

Europe is the Future for Startups

Planning on starting your own business? Europe is the best location to allocate it! Do you want to know why? Europe is the Future for...

5 Signs Your Company Is Ready to Growth

It really is an interesting time for your business, isn’t it? Sales are rolling in, and your customers are happy. Your employees are...

How to set up a limited company in UK

Setting up as a limited company is one of the smartest ways to get paid for your work. How to set up a limited company in UK With a limited...

How Blockchain is helping a fire truck

Ben Bartlett, a member of the Berkeley City Council, proposed an irregular idea to his colleagues: putting inexpensive housing on the...

How to delegate

Learning how to delegate effectively is the key to leveraging yourself and multiplying your value to your company. Delegation allows you to...

Blockchain and virtual good assets

We now live in a world where the most valuable assets are no longer physical. While virtual assets have been in existence for years it’s...

The difference between growth and scaling

Two terms that are often confused in the business world are growth and scaling. While both terms refer to an increase in a business’...

How to growth your business?

Experiencing a period of rapid business growth can be an exhilarating time for your company. Revenue is increasing, profits are high, and...

Future of gaming is Blockchain

Change in the gaming industry is not uncommon and blockchain technology is now the next, or for some the latest, wave of disruption to the...

Do you know how to create a global brand?

What does it mean to have a global brand? Does it mean you build a website, then make it globally accessible, complete with translations?...

Resilient company culture?

Organizational culture in an inside each company must be something performed and executed and committed by all the employees, not just one...

Questions to ask before you start growing internationally

So, you’ve heard that you can grow your business by taking it global, but you’re not quite sure where to begin. It is a big world out...

Top skills you need to be a global leader

Organizations planning for their future economic health recognize the need to identify and equip their future leaders with a robust toolkit...

Business can make a real difference

Climate change is real, and it’s man-made. That’s a fact. There’s already a 97% consensus about it among climate scientists. One...

Growth and accelerating innovation

Innovation management involves the process of managing the innovation procedure of an organization, beginning in the initial phase of...

Guide to create a company in Brazil

Brazil has the largest economy in Latin America, is home to approximately half of the region’s population. In the second quartile of...

Blockchain and luxury industry

Luxury brands were notoriously late to embrace e-commerce and social media. But some of the industry’s biggest players are determined to...

How to succeed in international growth

Companies facing times of stagnant results tend to see increased value during international growth. In fact, businesses that expand...

Your startup is loved locally, but how do you expand it globally?

Introducing a new idea into the market and turning a profit is a feat in itself. But what happens when your startup has reached its limits...

Airport hacks every traveller should know

Traveling is fun and exciting, but getting through the airport can be a hectic experience. Savvy travelers know how to handle the stress of...

Leaders: Stay Calm

Workplace stress has never been higher. Blame it on ever shorter deadlines, the pace of a digitally enabled world, or the growing...

Don’t expand your startup internationally until you do these 6 things

Expanding beyond one’s native geography is often a major growth imperative for many early stage companies. The good news is that...

Infographic: 12 ways to turn stress into productivity

Feeling stressed lately? Chances are you’re not alone. We carry varying degrees of stress around with us all the time–sometimes more,...

4 tips for successful business development

At some point down the line in your business, you´ll need to really think about how you want your business will develop and grow. Your...

Trends for Blockchain

Blockchain is one of the biggest and hottest debates in the tech world. 2018 has proven to be a huge year for blockchain, and the force...

When to Grow your Startup Internationally

As business becomes more and more globally connected, it’s important to recognize just how profitable it can be for your business to...

You can stay mindful in an airport

Airports are stressful, and can bring a lot of negativity and anxiety towards us. It is hard not to stress over how long the line at...

Inlea promotes the first Blockchain Accelerator

We are proud to share that Inlea has joined forces with the Silicon Valley company Proteum to promote the first transnational blockchain...

Yes, we do it remotely

Remote teams offer a endless amount of advantages. When your team works remotely chances are you might have more native languages involved,...

How many meetings are too many meetings?

You look on your agenda and you have a meeting almost everyday. You check your email and you have another bunch of emails with the word...

How to use Google Drive for Remote Teams

Google has become a household name. Since it’s beginnings as a search engine, the company has slowly expanded its reach and encompassed...

Checklist to planning your next meeting (and nail it)

Preparing for an important meeting might be overwhelming sometimes, because we all know that the more we prepare, foresee and curate...

How to avoid mistakes in managing remote teams

When you manage a remote team, you are facing many challenges that you definitely never had before in an office. Because this is a new...

How to Plan Sales for the Year

Creating a sales plan for your company is vital if you want your business to continue to grow and flourish. If you don’t create a sales...

What you need to know if you have been promoted to manager

Being promoted is a huge recognition of our work, it goes to show that our talent and our efforts have paid off and our company believes in...

You are not writing effective emails

Have you ever felt that the information was getting lost in a chain of emails? Have you been misunderstood or misunderstood someone because...

How is a leader in the 21st century?

Times are changing, companies are changing and the idea of the kind of professional that we need at work is changing as well. It is only...

Mistakes on managing a remote team

Managing a remote team is becoming a common task for any leader at many offices. Dealing with different people located in different parts...

You can be even more productive working from home

We are sure you are already aware of the huge tendency that is growing in the job market for remote job positions. You might even be part...

Strategies on LinkedIn to Boost Your Career

  Using your LinkedIn profile wisely, can make it much easier for you to boost your professional career. LinkedIn is widely used by...

What is social selling?

Social media isn’t only driving our personal interactions forward towards new avenues we haven’t seen before, it’s also driving...

Tips to have the perfect meeting

Meetings, everyone dreads going to them, but they’re important to have so you can make sure everybody on your team are all on the same...

Jobs for the Future

The future of our jobs are already starting to make our heads trash in anticipation. The boom in use of robotic technology will continue to...

Ways to improve your productivity with digital tools

Today we are always multitasking, the modern world demands us a high level of productivity and commitment. Thanks to technology and new...

How is the leadership during this century going to be?

As the world is changing, personal and professional dynamics change as well. We are used to see the image of the classic Industrial era big...

Keys for a successful business development

We all are striving to succeed, and especially when it comes to our businesses and careers. Definitely working hard and having a passion...

Remote working + robots + interaction: That’s how the future of leadership looks

Robots, we’ve all heard the scary stories of how they will take over the world and make humans obsolete in the job market. Well, that is...

How to stay productive all day long

Uninspired, bored, overwhelmed… there are many reasons we tend to procrastinate at work and affect our productivity. Sometimes we don’t...

10 tips for going back to work after summer vacation

Summer vacation is a great time to relax and disconnect, but also a fantastic moment to take a minute and reflect on our goals for the...

How to get back on track after your vacation

Yes, we know. Sitting back in front of the computer after your summer vacation only to find out a bunch of email and a full agenda can be...

Enjoy your summer vacation

Through out the year, we work really hard to give our best personal and professional results, but that is exhausting, so vacations are...

Relax during your summer vacation

Taking a break is necessary, and that is the whole point of summer vacation, to take the time to relax and charge our batteries to give our...

Tips to be productive working from home

Are you one of the lucky people that get to develop their professional career and still have the freedom to work from home?...

Music to increase your concentration

  Music makes us company in every moment of our lives. We use it to relax, to enjoy a moment, to remember memories and to have fun and...

How to have effective meetings with your manager

Although one on one meeting with your manager might be very uncommon in many offices, more and more companies understand the importance...

The Organization of the Future

Companies today have unique, and often times, difficult challenges when it comes to competing with other companies in their field. A...

Sales and the Future: Trends

As with every other aspect of a company, the sales team has also been greatly affected by the fast and always changing technological...

The Most Exciting Jobs for the Future

The future of jobs, and job creation, is already starting to make our heads hurt in anticipation. With the inevitable use of robots...

Tips for a Video Meeting with a Client

As the businesses become more international, and communications push the borders away, it’s increasingly common to do business through...

Creative Team Meeting Ideas for Remote Teams

Companies nowadays aren’t sticking to the normal 9 to 5 office format that has been used for decades now. With the advent of the...

Apps to Organize your Business Trip

Traveling for business doesn’t have to be a nightmare any longer. With today’s technology being right at our finger tips, its...

4 Keys to Succeed as a First Time Sales Rep

If you look at an experienced sales rep, you see a person that can talk to anyone about a certain product and sell it to that person. They...

How to pack to move overseas

Making the decision to pack your things and move overseas is one of the more exhilarating, and terrifying, decisions that you will make in...

Where to work while traveling

Some people are lucky and their job allows them to travel the world while generating an income, others have to bring their work along with...

Checklist for online meetings

In the past, there was some sense on comfort when before every meeting we could sit for a minute in the room, go through our documents, the...

How to organize meetings crossing time zones

Virtual teams are now part of any International company. A global office is today not only normal but also basically necessary and...

Tips for the perfect Business Skype

Using Skype for business meetings are now a normal situation, especially with the growing number of international virtual teams and the...

Tips for excelling at work

You want to be the best at your job, we all do. But sometimes that is just not enough, sometimes you need to be perfect in other areas...

AI is the future (also in economics)

Yes, AI is the future, the Artificial Intelligence is in every Science-Fiction movie. It is what we should expect the future to look like...

What to learn from failure (not everything is a success)

  “Failure” is a word that encloses pretty much all the negativity in the world for most people. Failing is linked with errors,...

Successful factors to be a sales superstar

Have you ever wondered what makes a person successful in every adventure they take on? Well the ability of selling is one of those factors...

How to adapt as an expat

  When for whatever reasons we decide to leave our home country behind to get ourselves in a new professional and personal adventure,...

Do’s and don’ts of video conferencing from home

  Technology has created new ways to make business, new ways to work. It’s not difficult nowadays to find offices in which some of...

Apps to increase your productivity

With the advances made in mobile technology over the last few years and greater reliance on remote working, many businesses use mobile...

Don’t do these things if you want to be successful

Sometimes, to become successful and get closer to the person you can become, you don’t need to add more things, you need to give up on...

Cybersecurity: What you can do

While the Internet is a vast ground of opportunity, there are also a number of dangers lurking beyond the useful information and occasional...

We participated in Cisco Networking Academy EMEAR Partner Summit 2017

As we explain in one of our last posts November had been an exciting month full of activities for Inlea’s Team. We participated in the...

Inlea’s last activities

  November was a specially moved month for Inlea! We’ve been working in several of projects in different areas of our expertise!...

Don’t bring me problems, bring me solutions

“Don’t bring me problems; bring me solutions.” If you’ve been in the business world for a while, you’ve most likely heard the...

Tips for social media selling

Want to turn your social media accounts into a profitable e-commerce business? Or use LinkedIn, Facebook and other platforms to boost...

Optimize your time at airport

Delays at the airport can be very frustrating, particularly for the business traveller. However, there are lots of ways to stay productive,...

Sales Checklist

A sales manager needs to adhere to a standard process as it relates to scaling an inside sales organization. Focusing on the rhythm as it...

Questions for a selling meeting

If you spend your sales appointments giving a lecture about your product and how great it is, you’re using a presentation style that will...

5 ways to be a selling superstar on LinkedIn

The best sales people never look like they’re selling anything at all. For sales people, it’s important to have the ability to form...

For what to use a bot?

As we see the ecosystem continue to develop, bots are increasingly showcasing a wide variety of features, from chat to menus to buttons and...

The keys of Barcelona Tech City to attract startups

The startups sector is one of those that don’t stop growing in Spain. Barcelona has become one of the main centers of development of...

Indian Economy

India is likely to overtake Japan and Germany to become the third largest economy in the next 10 years but needs to be consistent in...

Bitcoin And Chinese Internet Stocks Beat Wall Street

Bitcoin and Chinese Internet stocks have left Wall Street in the dust, so far, in 2017, making some investors multi-millionaires quickly....

Qualities of a great salesperson

Whether you’re a sales manager looking to hire a great salesperson or a good salesperson looking to get better, recognizing the traits...

Don’t feel so overwhelmed at work: you can be more mindful

Work is an important part of life. Necessary not just for income, but also for self-expression and personal fulfilment. Work life can be...

Secrets of Barcelona

Barcelona, the city of Gaudí, his work has greatly influenced the face of Barcelona architecture and you can see stunning examples...

How to expand your career abroad?

Expanding your career abroad can offer a number of enriching experiences and opportunities for professional growth. Not only can you align...

The future of Travel

What does the future hold for travel? Check-in by robot? Budget space flights? Virtual holidays? We’ve already looked at how tech has...

How To Optimise Your LinkedIn Profile For Social Selling

Are you a sales leader responsible for the results of your sales force? Or are you a sales professional that is required to reach a sales...

5 Secrets of Amsterdam

This city has many secrets, and some of them are places you can visit! These Amsterdam secrets are sitting in plain sight but even some...

How will Blockchain change marketing?

Blockchain, essentially a massive ledger of transactions, is an open and shared database that operates in a decentralized network format....

Barcelona: The best place to be if you’re into technology

Barcelona has many characteristics that are making it increasingly attractive for entrepreneurs and quickly positioning the city into a...

Blockchain & Dubai

Dubai is known for being at the forefront of technological innovation. As one of the first governments to engage with blockchain,...

Project Management Challenges And Solutions

There are many qualities a good project manager must have, including the ability to plan projects in detail and assemble the right team for...

Things That Were Normal In The Past And We No Longer See At Airports

Air travel used to be a lot more expensive and exclusive before the industry was deregulated, and many airports therefore had a lot more...

Blockchain: 5 potential uses that you probably didn’t know about

Most people who have heard the term think that the Blockchain is only something to do with cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, litecoin and...

India: The Economic Giant

In the current global economic scenario, India once again finds itself at a cross road where timely implementation of crucial reforms can...

How to be a good leader?

Being a good leader isn’t easy. While a leader’s actions may be scrutinized when things are going bad, it is their leadership...

Is Barcelona The New Tech Hub?

Is Barcelona becoming the new Silicon Valley? Projects such as Barcelona Tech City, the support from the public sector with initiatives...

How many people are in the space right now?

It’s been awhile since our last glance at the sky. If you’re ever curious about the exact number of people who are in space right...

Independence Day Traditions: Five Ways Americans Celebrate 4th of July

The actual birthdate of the American Republic was July 2, 1776, when delegates to the Continental Congress, meeting at the Pennsylvania...

Inlea collaborates with Cisco Networking Academy Program at Rio de Janeiro

Inlea is collaborating with Cisco Networking Academy Program at Rio de Janeiro to give a job opportunity to several students who are part...

Berlin’s 3 hidden museums

While museums like the Jewish Museum, Pergamon or the Topography of Terror might get most of the tourist attention. In these three hidden...

Best Apps for Keeping Business Travel Productive

 You’re a stranger in a strange land, and you’re here to get work done. These 10 apps take the sting out of business travel...

Meetings in Bay Area

During last week, part of our team was in the Bay Area, visiting customers and attending to several meetings. Meanwhile we were there, we...

7 effective habits successful people do

If you want to be successful and reach your goals, one of the best things you can do is emulate other successful people. If you were to...

5 amazing secret spots that you have to see in Delhi

Delhi is filled with amazing places to see, delicious foods to eat and quirky spots to find and although all the obvious places are a...

What to do in Mexico City

Part of our team had been in Mexico D.F. at CISCO CSR Academy Conference and they have been discovering and visiting some nice spots in...

A weekend in San Francisco

Let’s go to San Francisco! If you are during the weekend in the Bay Area, some ideas to spend a nice time there. And if you are...

How to use your smartphone camera to increase your productivity

We use our phone for many things related to our work but usually we use the camera to take pictures of friends and family and probably some...

Tips for Business Travelers

Tips: Business Travelers Travelling can be an amazing experience but specially in our holidays break, but… what about our business...

Barcelona’s Superblocks

Cities seem to have been designed specifically for cars, and most of the world’s most important cities are ruled by them, leaving...

4 Tips for creating the perfect home office

At Inlea, a lot of our team members work from home. Working from home can sound like a dream, however, it can sometimes be difficult to...

The United States of America changes its corporate image

Inlea’s CEO, Xavier Simó, writes an article every fortnigh for Cronica Global. This is one of his most recent ones. When a company...

3 Easy ways to help the environment

With Earth Day coming up this Saturday, we would like to shre 3 easy ways you can contribute to help the...

3 Things to know before visiting Peru

Peru has a population of approximately 30 million people. Roughly a quarter live in Lima, the capital, which is by far Peru’s largest...

It’s Easter! – Here are some worldwide Easter traditions

A well known Easter tradition consists in hiding eggs and candy around the house and garden for children to look for and find in the belief...

3 Tips For Business Travels

In this ever changing, growing and digitalized economy, business travellers are no longer suited-up, briefcase-carrying, serious...

Inlea will collaborate with PUE to support Academy Cube in Spain

At Inlea we are proud to announce our collaboration, together with PUE; a private initiative specialised in ITC training, certifying and...

Generosity is capitalist

Inlea’s CEO, Xavier Simó, writes an article every fortnigh for Cronica Global. Here is the most recent one that has been published. This...

3 Tips for moving to Barcelona with your family

At Inlea we are experienced in moving people around the globe. We are currently in the process of relocating a team member from Russia over...

5 Tings To Know Before Travelling To Munich

Some of Inlea’s team members live in Munich, Germany. So we’ve put together some information on the city and things you need to know if...

My Wife Is a Data Storm

My wife lately asks questions like: “why does Facebook want to be a bank?”, or “why has Microsoft bought Linkedin when they sell word...

5 Tips to nail a video conference interview

Times are moving towards digitalization more than ever, this means that an increasing number of recruiters are choosing to carry out video...

Empathy Towards Businesspeople

Inlea’s CEO, Xavier Simó, has visited Sant Gabriel de Viladecans Vocational Training Centre and has given a talk for pupils that study...

5 Things To Do In Sacramento, USA

Inlea has team members all over the world. Some of them are in Sacramento, California, U.S.A. Here is a list of the five top places to...

The Purpose Of Our “What’s On” Section

If you are wondering why we have decided to create a news section in our website, the reason is pretty simple; we want you to be in the...

5 Things You Need To Know Before Travelling To Moscow

Since some of the members of the INLEA family reside in Moscow, Russia, here are 5 things you need to know if you’re planning on visiting...

Welcome to INLEA!

After several months of working hard on our new brand corporate image and website…. We are here!! As we grow as a company, we needed to...