TAG: News

The United States of America changes its corporate image

Inlea’s CEO, Xavier Simó, writes an article every fortnigh for Cronica Global. This is one of his most recent ones. When a company...

3 Easy ways to help the environment

With Earth Day coming up this Saturday, we would like to shre 3 easy ways you can contribute to help the...

Coding will be one of the most in-demand skills for all sorts of jobs in the future

Burning Glass, a job market analytics firm, carried out a study last summer to find out that over seven million bob openings in the...

Empathy Towards Businesspeople

Inlea’s CEO, Xavier Simó, has visited Sant Gabriel de Viladecans Vocational Training Centre and has given a talk for pupils that study...

3D Printed Prosthetics are Here to Stay

The recent rise in popularity of 3D printers design, manufacturing and distribution is helping to create a more affordable solution for the...

New Technology Uses Augmented Reality to Aid the Visually Impaired

One percent of the world’s population is blind. That is approximately 70 million people, which is a very high number considering the...