Success case: Cisco Learn-A-Thon
In the past decade, with more people and things connecting to the network, the demand for Internet of Things (IoT) and security professionals hasn’t stopped increasing. The data indicates that the demand for these jobs is growing at a 3x rate compared to the rest. Likewise, in this climate, it is estimated that in 2021 3.5 million more professionals in these fields will be needed.
On this basis, Cisco Networking Academy, Cisco’s longest running Corporate Social Responsibility program, launched the Learn-A-Thon program in 2019, with the aim of preparing students for a successful and lucrative career in technology. Its workforce training program covers the many aspects of IoT and cybersecurity, from recognizing and understanding concepts and challenges of the digital transformational economy to evaluating security vulnerabilities to ethics and laws.
Networking Academy instructors and their affiliated academies are encouraged to run Learn-A-Thons and create a self-paced course with a dedicated instructor, enroll their students, and encourage them to complete the course(s) to earn a Cisco digital badge.
The top performing academies and instructors, with the highest number of student participants, are rewarded depending on the Learn-A-Thon to incentivize the participation.
In 2020, a total of 18 countries participated in 16 Learn-A-Thons, with 87.5k student participants, and 188K student registrants.
Since our foundation in 2005, inlea has encouraged and contibuted in the combination of technology and education, as we believe that education plays a key role in building sustainable and resilient societies.
inlea collaborates with the Networking Academy, Cisco’s longest running Corporate Social Responsibility team offering our Digital Marketing, Project Management, and Budget Management services.
More information on the Learn-A-Thon program please visit: https://www.netacadlearnathon.com/
Cisco Networking Academy: https://www.netacad.com/
More information on inlea/BUSINESS: https://inlea.com/services/business/