Working from home is all benefits
There are two camps when it comes to working from home. One group usually thinks that people will get nothing done, and the other group believes workers will be happier and more productive. Chances are, your answer greatly depends on how you personally fare when working from home. While some people swear by 40 hours a week in the office, there is growing support for the second camp of workers who find they are more productive working from home.
Work in your PJs, avoid the commute, answer emails from a hammock while sipping a pineapple daiquiri. But there are some things that might surprise you about what it’s like when you don’t have to go into the office every day. Take a look at these ways your life can be different while you are working remotely.
Flexible schedule. You can take breaks at any moment, feel no rush to hang up on your family members when they call, and eat lunch at any weird time you want.
Custom environment. You’ll probably work from home if you work remotely. But that doesn’t mean you have to have fill a corner of your living room with a clunky desk, a huge monitor, and an ugly rolling chair. You can fit your office wherever it fits in your life. I’ve heard about a remote worker who uses her kitchen breakfast bar as a standing desk (all those health benefits with no investment!) and one who converted part of her bedroom closet into a “hidden” office so she can just shut her work away at the end of the day.
Cozy clothes. You get to wear those sweatpants from college with the letters peeling off, or the leggings your friends don’t know you own.
It’s easier to make calls. You won’t have to scramble to find a conference room or deal with a particularly chatty co-worker.
No office distractions. Avoid co-workers debating the merits of cryptocurrency, sirens wailing outside your window, the AC kicking in as you hide your icicle tears.
Save money. Of course you’ll see an immediate difference in your bank account when you don’t need to bear the costs of commuting. But you’ll also find savings in other areas. You won’t have to force yourself into a suit and polished shoes anymore if that’s not your style, no more separate wardrobes for work and for the rest of your life! And you can also save on food costs since you’ll easily be able to whip up your own lunch and coffee if you work from home.
Forget crowds and traffic. No stuffing yourself into a rickety transportation tube, having people scuff your new shoes, or walking behind agonizingly slow people who apparently don’t know what a straight line is.
There are plenty of advantages (as well as disadvantages) when it comes to working from home. There are mental health and financial benefits that are difficult to ignore. However, there are also disadvantages to the concept that aren’t easily overlooked either. Balance seems to be keen here, depending on the person you are, yourself!
Is working from home more advantageous for you? Make sure you let us know in the comments below!