Why is an IT certification important?
If you look through any job application, be it on paper through a company, a direct email from a hiring manager, or even through a job posting website like LinkedIn, you’ll always see that you’re asked if you have any special certifications. Even if you have the right skills for the job that you’re applying for, having a certification can give you a leg up on the rest of the competition.
This applies to IT jobs as well. Showing that you have a certification in IT, shows your future employer that you’re more prepared for the job and that you’re in a better mindset to tackle certain tasks as they arise in the work place.
Here are some reasons why having a IT certification is important.
Being Hired
Certifications can help you stand out in the job market. Hiring managers comb through many applications a day, and if you have a certification on your resume, then you up your chances of getting the job. Having an IT certification can help you get a job even easier. If you’re looking for a job in IT, this will push your resume up to the top of the pile, so to speak, of the resumes that come in. It’ll give you a distinct advantage over the competition.
Faster Results
Employees that have IT certifications can out perform their colleagues and do their jobs faster. This is very beneficial to the hiring manager and the company that the person is applying to. Every company wants their employees to work faster and get more done during the day so that they can be more productive and the company can flourish.
By having a certification, you are presenting yourself, to your future employer, as someone that has the knowledge and skill set to finish the job faster and more efficiently than the competition that is not certified.
Job Retention
Jobs can always come and go, and there are some sectors that can be hit harder during down times in the economy. Companies will always look for ways to cut their costs, and that inevitably means that the companies will be looking to get go of some employees. These are times that having an IT certification can give you the upper hand on retaining your job. Your employer will value you more with a certification than if you didn’t have one. This shows the employer that you’re willing to enhance your skill set and knowledge, which is invaluable to an employer.
By earning one, or many, of the different certifications out there, you’re showing to your future employer that you take yourself seriously as a professional and are willing to learn more skills as time goes on. No employer is going to question why you received a Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE), or a Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE) certification. They will be happy to see that you have invested in yourself, especially if you have received multiple certifications from the same vendor.
Current Tech
Having the new certifications keep you up to date on the new technology that has recently been released. This keeps you on top and ahead of the curve when it comes to job retention and being able to tackle problems with new technology. Since technology moves so fast, it can be difficult for employers to find IT specialists that understand the new operating system, platform, or application that they have introduced to the company.
By having a current certification on new technologies, you’re in the small group of professionals that truly understands how it works, and that will give you a big professional advantage.