What is Web 3.0?
The term “Web3” or “Web 3.0” was first introduced by the Co-founder of the Ethereum cryptocurrency, Gavin Wood, in 2014. In 2021, this concept has gained a lot of popularity due to the rise in cryptocurrencies and the idea of a metaverse.
We can define Web 3.0 as a web capable of interpreting and interconnecting a greater number of data. This would allow an increase in interactivity and meaning.
This third generation of the Internet would allow websites and apps to process information in a more “human” way thanks to the integration of technologies such as Machine Learning (ML), Big Data, Augmented Reality or Blockchain, among others.
Although there are already some Web 3.0 applications in the early stages, until the new Internet is fully integrated into the web infrastructure, its true potential cannot be realized.
Web 3.0 Background
Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 refer to eras in the history of the World Wide Web corresponding to the evolution of various technologies and formats.
Then, Web 1.0 roughly refers to the period from 1991 to 2004, when most websites were static web pages and the vast majority of users were just consumers.
Subsequently, we evolved to Web 2.0 which is based on the idea of “the web as a platform” and focuses on user-created content that is subsequently published on social media and blogs. Web 2.0 is generally considered to have started around 2004 and continues to this day.
What is Web 3.0?
The need for a more intelligent and interactive Internet and the integration with new technologies such as the Internet of Things or Artificial Intelligence have led to the appearance of a new web generation, which we define as Web 3.0.
Today it is expected that the search carried out by a user obtains the most possibly personalized information in order to provide a better experience on the network, which is why an Internet that understands the user’s language and knows how to translate this data into better results is necessary. Many refer this personalization of results as the Semantic Web.
The Semantic Web is known as the type of web that has the necessary tools to capture specific data of its users, filter it and obtain accurate information.
Although some confuse Web 3.0 with the Semantic Web, they are really two different terms. Web 3.0 is the evolution of Web 2.0 due to user demand for improved accessibility and usability. Then, the Semantic Web is the artificial intelligence used to achieve this purpose.
Characteristics of Web 3.0
Although there is still much to be defined and tested on Web 3.0, some of the features that we already know will be present and key in this new generation are the following:
- Big Data
Web 3.0 will be based primarily on data collection, analysis and classification. Information will be found, shared and integrated more quickly through the different software agents.
- Personalization
All this information on user behavior will facilitate the personalization of the websites. That is, if two people with a different search history, but who perform the same search at a specific time, they will obtain different results that will be determined by their previous behavior, that is, their profile.
- Interoperability
The different platforms and social networks will share information between them to increase the capacity of data analysis and therefore of personalization.
- Automation
Web 3.0 is designed to help in the automation process not only in the search for results but also in the processes of selling and buying products and services.
- Geolocation
The information presented to the users will be specifically based on their geographic location.
- Technology 3.0
In order to reach widespread use of the new generation of the Web, the implementation and development of new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, RDF or ontologies will be necessary.
- Blockchain
It is estimated that Web 3.0 will operate through decentralized protocols, Blockchain-based technology and cryptocurrencies. This technology would help interoperability, automation and data storage.
We cannot set a date for Web 3.0 to completely replace Web 2.0. However, we see daily the rapid adaptation of brands to make their websites more dynamic and agile.
The evolution of Web 3.0 thanks to new technologies is clear, so it is necessary for brands to invest in them in order to get ahead of the market and turn digital transformation into their competitive advantage.