Tips to land into a remote job
Working remotely is more and more common nowadays. Companies are slowly understanding that to find the right person with the right skills is more important than geography. Tips to land into a remote job
Also as professionals it means flexibility, more freedom and a lot of commitment, organization and discipline.
Not going to the office everyday and being able to travel and organize a big part of our working hours sounds like a dream, but how do we get there? How do we move from our current job to work from home?
The first thing to have in mind is that getting a remote job is very different than finding a normal job. Getting to your remote dream job is quite a complicated process, but is definitely not impossible. So here are some of our best tips to help you make it.
Tips to land into a remote job
Find the right source to look for available remote jobs.
There are a few websites that are specifically oriented to remote jobs, make sure to check them while you are looking for your next position:
Here you will find full-time, part-time and small jobs to begin your remote adventure. Companies post their offers for free, but users must pay a small monthly quota.
It might sound annoying but after you start your job search you will probably gladly pay it.
Flexjobs has a partner site that is called Remote.co where they post additional jobs. They post daily and their “companies” page is a great place to find those companies that are interested in remote employees, so you can learn more about them and even contact them directly.
This site does not require you to pay to have access to the job offers, you just have to make a profile that would work as a resume, so make sure it stands out from the rest.
A good thing is also that you can see how active the person posting the job is, and how long since they checked the site, so you save yourself the time to apply for people that have not being active in a month.
You should know also that AngelList is focused on start-up companies.
This site posts jobs from the biggest remote companies, and you can find new offers everyday. The site is very basic, but even just following their post on twitter is useful and can be the key to find your next job.
Avoid the wrong sites.
Places like LinkedIn, Monsters or Indeed might be useful to find normal jobs, but definitely not the right places to find remote positions.
Know what remote employers are looking for.
If you have to hire someone that you can’t see sitting in your office and somehow control what they are doing, you are most likely going to be looking for someone you can trust and that love their job, so you know they will stay committed.
It is common that in a remote job interview the manager will want to know more about you as a person. Be open, clear and enthusiastic.
Craft your resume to match a remote position.
Your normal resume won’t get you the job. If you want to work remotely you will have to redesign it to meet the expectations and beat the competition.
So focus on specifying the tools you control, especially everything that helps with work flow and sharing work and communication.
Insist on that also, communication, show your skills and make sure they understand that you won’t be an obstacle in the information flow and the teamwork.
Also, customize your resume for each company (or each time of company) and make your portfolio match their interests. Check their main location and share yours in case you are close, having some geographical proximity might help you in the process.
At the end is all about finding the right kind of company that is looking for a reliable, hard working person. Show your best side and start working from home.