How to Reduce Stress When You Work From Home
Running a home business offers freedom and flexibility of being your own boss, but also, it’s fraught with frustration and anxiety that can lead to stress.
Recent studies have revealed that people who work from home tend to work longer hours than those who work in an office. This might mean the extra hours you put in will do little to reduce your growing stress and exhaustion level. While you can’t control everything around your work environment, that doesn’t mean you’re powerless.
Finding ways to manage stress isn’t about making some huge life changes, but rather about focusing on one thing that’s always within your control – “You.”
1. Figure out what stress is telling you
The first step is recognizing how stress manifests in you. Do you get irritated or tired? Do you clench your jaw or get a stomach ache? When you realize you’re feeling stress, the next step is to figure out why. Stress occurs because something is going on. It’s like how your hand hurts if you pinch it. That pain is telling you something is wrong. Stress is the same, although it’s not always easy to find the source of stress. Determining the cause of stress requires that you pay attention to what’s going on when stress symptoms occur. Whatever you’re doing or thinking about at that time, is a likely culprit of your stress. Other times, stress can be built up because you’re ignoring problems or worrying instead of actively dealing with them. It’s important to pay attention to issues that may be leading chronic stress, such as money woes or lack of family support in your business.
2. Prioritize and organize
When your work stress is alarming for you, there are simple steps you can take to control the situation.
Create a balanced schedule by analyzing your responsibilities and daily tasks. Try to strike a balance between your work, personal life, social activities and downtime.
Do not over-commit. If you have too much work to complete, then differentiate between the “shoulds” and the “musts.”
Plan a break in between your work, take a stroll or sit back and relax away from your workspace. A break from work will help you relax and recharge to make you more productive.
3. Learn anti-stress techniques
One problem with stress is that it can hinder creativity and productivity. The best way to deal with stress is to calm it. There are many ways to relieve stress, including deep breathing or meditation, going for a walk, listening to music and more. The trick is to recognize stress and then find a stress-reducing tactic that works for you. If you’re stuck, talk to people who manage stress well and learn what they do.
4. Talk with someone
Phone a friend when you feel stress start to swallow you up. Just talking to someone with a sympathetic ear can help you relax and boost your confidence
5. Quality time with family
When you are working from home, you are saving your commuting time, which also means more time to work and quality time with family.
When your workday is over, you can always lessen your stress by shifting your focus from your family. This will make you feel better and help you with work-life balance.