Do you feel stressed? …Meditate!
Do you feel on edge, tired, stressed, or frustrated?
If stress has you anxious, tense and worried, consider trying meditation. Spending even a few minutes in meditation can restore your calm and inner peace.
Anyone can practice it. It’s simple and inexpensive, and it doesn’t require any special equipment.
And you can practice meditation wherever you are — whether you’re out for a walk, riding the bus, waiting at the doctor’s office or even in the middle of a difficult business meeting.
Meditation can give you a sense of calm, peace and balance that can benefit both your emotional well-being and your overall health.
And these benefits don’t end when your meditation session ends. It can help carry you more calmly through your day and may help you manage symptoms of certain medical conditions.
- Guided. Sometimes called guided imagery or visualization, with this method of meditation you form mental images of places or situations you find relaxing.
- Mantra. In this type, you silently repeat a calming word, thought or phrase to prevent distracting thoughts.
- Mindfulness. This type is based on being mindful, or having an increased awareness and acceptance of living in the present moment.
- Transcendental . In transcendental meditation, you silently repeat a personally assigned mantra, such as a word, sound or phrase, in a specific way.
- Yoga. You perform a series of postures and controlled breathing exercises to promote a more flexible body and a calm mind. As you move through poses that require balance and concentration, you’re encouraged to focus less on your busy day and more on the moment.
You may think that learning to meditate effectively is hard or too time consuming, but you really only need a few minutes in your day to meditate and feel refreshed.