Marta Vallés on the Role of Women in Tech:
VOTTUN is a blockchain certification authority company born in Barcelona. The focus of the company lies on the development of blockchain technology to improve the way enterprises operate and to create greater efficiencies in cross industry operations.
Mata Vallés, Co-founder and Director of Business Development at VOTTUN, is currently an important figure in promoting the role of women in science and technology thanks to her participation as a member in organizations such as WA4STEAM or W Startup C.
With a background in Law and international business, at what point did you become interested in the technology sector?
To introduce you to myself and my actual role in the world of technology – and specially blockchain -, I will initially talk about my professional career, disruptive as the blockchain technology.
I started my professional career as a lawyer to later create a consultancy firm specialized in supporting companies with their internationalization and specially focused on business development. From there I began to have a relationship with technology and the digital world, collaborating with several B2B Marketplace, offline and online. And well, just one good day going to Madrid by plane to meet with Alibaba with whom he is now one of my partners, Luis Carbajo, explained to me that together with his partner were going to set up a blockchain technology start-up. He explained to me what the technology consisted of and I found it really fascinating and there I began my journey in the fully world of blockchain.
Launching a strart-up by no means is an easy journey.
What encouraged you to co-create Vottun?
Launching a startup is a lot of effort but it is a great challenge that at the same time gives you many new opportunities, rewards and learning.
“When I began to learn about blockchain technology and the great disruption and economic models changes in the different industries that blockchain was going to suppose, I could not resist exploring further and daring to co-found Vottun.”
Even so, I had to deal with the difficulty of starting a project in an emerging technology, evangelizing, explaining what technology is… This I think has been the greatest difficulty and challenge.
Ah! And of course… selling technology in a man’s world!!
Women angels for STEAM (WA4STEAM) is a growing international community of women angel investors seeking to expand women entrepreneurial presence in the STEAM fields.
As a member of the organization, what is your exact role? How do you help these entrepreneurs?
I found out about the association when WA4Steam invested in VOTTUN and I decided to become a member in a personal capacity, as it seemed like a very powerful association formed by incredible women with an interest in supporting the STEAM world.
As a partner and entrepreneur, I support the association and the partners in matters related especially to blockchain technology and entrepreneurship.
Do you think that the opportunities for women entrepreneurs have increased since the beginning of organizations such as W Startup C?
W Startup C is a non-profit independent organization giving visibility & boosting the women startup ecosystem worldwide.
Definitely! This kind of organizations are completely necessary and there should be more! I am a member of WstartupC and we promote the access and bridge of female entrepreneurs to corporations, investors, presentations, training awards and scholarships … and above all, to be in community to help each other on the path of female entrepreneurship.
Would you like to share with our readers any life-c hanging tip that has defined or helped your entrepreneur path?
I encourage all entrepreneurs and women interested in technology such as blockchain …. to DARE AND DELAY EVERY DAY. DO NOT BE AFRAID OF THE UNKNOWN.