Lets start 2018 happier, healthier and more productive
Now that 2018 has finally arrived, New Year’s resolutions have also arrived. Our proposal is to have a happier, healthier and more productive 2018. If yours is the same, check our guide to achieve them!
Start a Morning Routine
When you start your day right, you become happier and more productive throughout your entire day. Get up an hour earlier and intentionally follow a routine that might include things like a:
- 10-minute meditation.
- 20-40 minutes of exercise or stretching
- Reading 10 pages of a self-development book
- Mindfully preparing a healthy breakfast and packed lunch
There are lots of options, but the idea is that you get up without hitting the snooze button and set yourself up for a great day ahead.
Read more
There are so many great benefits to reading. As well as giving yourself a knowledge boost and mental stimulation, reading can improve your memory, expand your vocabulary, and improve your ability to focus, inspire you to greater success.
Take a walk every day
Just like reading more, walking more has lots of benefits. As with all forms of exercise, walking prompts the brain to release ‘happy’ chemicals like serotonin and dopamine, that can lift your mood both during and after your walk.
Walking can also lower stress and depression strengthens your body and bones and ward of disease, with walking outdoors being more beneficial than a treadmill. It’s also the cheapest way to get exercise into your day…so no excuses, get out there already!
Try out a new healthy recipe every week
Get out of that pasta pesto rut and expand your culinary repertoire in 2018.
It’s not only fun, but also can help build your self-confidence and support your good health. The great thing about most healthy recipes is that they usually contain around 5 ingredients, making them quick and easy to prepare. Those pizza-deliveries are over!
Eat more mindfully
We have talked a lot about mindfulness at work, but did you know that how you eat can impact your health and weight almost as much as what you eat?
Today we are always in a rush and with that comes the temptation to eat fast and make unhealthy food choices. Being more mindful of your eating practices is a simple way to counteract this.
Exercise doesn’t just make you more physically fit:
- It can boost your mood and help with stress and depression.
- Exercise doesn’t make you more tired it actually increases your energy levels.
The main way to stick to an exercise routine is to find an activity you like and actually want to do. Go hiking or swimming or take a dance or yoga class, anything that you will enjoy and look forward to.
Cut your to-do list in half
Getting things done during your workday shouldn’t mean fitting in doing as much as possible in the sanctioned eight hours. Do you really need those 30 tasks on your to-do list? Take a less-is-more approach to your to-do list by only focusing on accomplishing things that matter.
Tackle your challenging tasks before lunch
Knock out your most challenging work when your brain is fresh. If you have any busy work or meetings, save them for the afternoon. By scheduling your day this way, you’ll be able to create a new and more productive way to manage your time.
Learn to say NO
People often say yes when they should say no. There are many reasons why we do this—like not wanting to disappoint someone. But saying yes to everything puts a huge strain on your time and productivity. Do this enough and it’ll kill the success of your daily routine?
Just remember this: Whenever you say “yes” to a request, you say “no” to something else in your life.
Of course, there might be some people you feel you can’t say no to, such as a boss. If that’s the case, practice the “yes, but” method.
Here’s our guide, now it’s your time to start!