How to Find the Best Talent
Looking for talent?
Finding good candidates isn’t hard. Finding qualified applicants can be difficult. However, finding the best-fit talent, both in culture and in skill-set, can be excruciating. Recruiters do all they can, but the candidates you want just don’t flood your company doors. So how do you make them come to you?

Here’s how to find the best talent:
1. Introduce video into your recruitment practice
Video has been a buzzword in recruiting for the last couple of years. While video applications from candidates are nothing new, many recruiters are recognizing the value of integrating video to their interviewing process.
Video interviews can also help you to break from geographical and financial constraints to sourcing and engaging the most talented candidates.
2. Use Your Web Site for Recruiting Candidates
Does your “Join Our Team” section of your company website tell and even, “sell,” potential employees about the vision, mission, values and culture of your company? Do you present a message about how people are valued?
Do you express your commitment to quality and to your customers? If not, you are missing out on one of the most important recruiting tools you have to appeal to prospective high-potential employees.
Instead of the typical, dryly-written job listings about available positions, your Web site needs to include this vision, this information that sets your company apart from others in your industry.
Your job listings must sparkle with personality so a potential candidate thinks, “this organization is for me.” And, now that you have their attention, you also need to provide a way for candidates to easily submit resumes for consideration for future positions.
3. “Meetup” with Great Talent
Meetup groups can be a fantastically unexpected place to find top talent. Look for groups meeting up to discuss your industry, career issues, or just for networking. These groups often take part in discussions as well as events. The companies with the best employees are the ones not afraid to get proactive in their search for smart talent. Attend a meetup event and network with the people truly interested in your industry, even in their off-hours. These will be the passionate employees burning the midnight oil to make sure your organization succeeds
4. Promote your company culture
An efficient strategy for attracting top talent is by promoting your company culture through different channels of communication.
You can use various formats – from behind-the-scenes videos showing the life at the company to photographic stories displaying employee activities during community service programs.
Showing off what the office looks like, what employees are wearing and how they interact with each other, you’ll be showcasing your company culture and building a strong employer brand that will resonate with the right kind of talent.
Want more ideas for recruiting great potential employees? Read on…