How to Build Successful Careers
We put so much work and effort in our careers from the beginning because we hope to see the reward and because successful in the professional field we have chosen. Of course each career path and each position requires different skills and education, but there are some common skills and attitudes that will help boost any career to success.
Today we are listing the ones that will help you the most no matter what professional path you are pursuing.
Be confident, believe in yourself.
It can be hard at times, but the best thing you can do for yourself and your professional life is to believe in yourself first. Confidence will give you the strength and the control to make the right decision and not let yourself be betrayed by the stress that doubting yourself might bring to a crucial situation.
Remember also that people won’t trust your capabilities if you don’t believe in yourself. We transmit our confidence through our words, and body language, so don’t try to fake it, but make it, believe in your ability to become the professional you want to be.
Build empowering relationships.
We always hear that meeting the right people is key to develop your career, but as a matter of fact, it is important to meet all kinds of people and more importantly build strong relationships with people that you find interesting. Connections happen through real relationships, so make sure that you take the time and the effort to work on your common interests and always offer your help before considering asking for it.
Gain trust, from both your boss and your colleagues.
This is one of the most important things to keep in mind when we are starting at a new job. Become a reliable person for everybody; show both your boss and the rest of the employees your commitment to your new job and work ethic.
Also showing your co-workers that you are willing to be part of the team and work together will easy your adaptation process and will allow you to show your best performance at work.
Many people think they have to climb up by pushing others, but as a matter of fact, that will show that you are not able to get the best position because you are the best at your job, but the best at playing dirty.
Remember that your most important networking are the people that actually worked with you, a positive comment about you as a colleague, will open many doors for you at some point.
Always keep on learning.
It is impossible to know it all, no matter how much you studied or how high you get in your career, you will always have something to learn.
Actually, the most valuable information sometimes comes from unexpected experiences.
Even those early jobs we had, taught us some lessons and information that we will apply someday in a professional complex situation.
So stay humble, be open to listen to new perspectives, update your skills and learn new things to keep yourself active.
Work on your communication skills.
Having the knowledge and great ideas is not enough if we don’t know how and when to express them correctly.
It will be vital through your entire career to know how to share your opinion and knowledge. Not always choose the right words, but also present them in the right way according to the context, understanding the kind of person we have in front of us, identifying what will connect with them and making sure we are choosing the right moment and approach to share our thoughts.