How to be the best candidate for a job?
Being the best candidate for the job often means being the person who performs better than all the other applicants in a job interview. If you have the qualifications and work background an employer needs, your task during an interview is to successfully communicate what you would bring to the job.
The challenge is in showing what you can do for a company that someone else can’t. Here’s how you can do it:
Plan your interview strategy.
Before the interview, ask yourself what skills and qualifications you would look for in a person applying for the same position. Prepare to base your answers to the interviewer’s questions on what you would expect to hear from a job candidate. In general, employers want to know what assets you would bring to the company.
Bring your enthusiasm.
Get excited about the possibilities and let that shine through during your time with each person you meet at the company. Even if you end up opting out of an offer that comes later because it’s not the right fit, you can be excited in the moment. You never want the people in a post-interview panel discussion to be left wondering whether you were actually interested in them.
Answer the interviewer’s questions honestly.
If you don’t have experience in some aspect of the job, say so. Point out that you are willing to learn new skills and then follow up with an example showing how you gained valuable work experience at a previous job. Stress that while you may not have the experience you do have the ability. Emphasize your eagerness to learn as one of your strong points.
Keep the interview on a positive note and at a professional level.
Pay attention to your body language, as the interviewer will be watching you as much as listening to what you say. Use your posture and facial expressions throughout the interview to show that you are listening to her as well. Sit in a relaxed way, make frequent eye contact and smile. This tells the interviewer that you are a likeable person who gets along with others.
Mistakes You Should Avoid
Your answer to the “Why are you the best candidate for this position?” question can make or break your candidacy. Avoid the “break” possibility by steering clear of these mistakes and pitfalls.
Don’t be generic.
Do not give a vague answer that could apply to any position or company. Reference how you’ve used the specific skills requested in the job posting.
Don’t under-represent your skills or experience.
Even if you have shared your skills, experience and characteristics previously, do not try to breeze over this question. This is one more chance for you to reiterate why you are the match for the role.
Don’t ramble.
Do not give lengthy examples or include too much information. Be concise and relevant. A good rule of thumb is aiming for an answer that lasts about a minute. Practicing your answer out loud will help you refine it. Let’s repeat that one—practicing your answer out loud will help you refine it.