10 tips for going back to work after summer vacation
Summer vacation is a great time to relax and disconnect, but also a fantastic moment to take a minute and reflect on our goals for the upcoming season and all the things we want to improve about ourselves as professionals, and our company. Tips for going back to work after summer vacation.
We highly recommend to invest some time to think about some business development activities that will have a great impact and help our business move forward.
Believe in your business and the professional you are.
It is important to remember to believe in what you do and find your passion for it. Sometimes is easy to get lost in the stress of work, but we should always preserve that rush and love for what we do and what our company represents. If you do, you will reflect that image on everybody else.
Dress for success.
It makes a huge difference in how people see you but also in how you feel and the image you represent beyond yourself. We must always remember that we are the face of our company, so we want to make sure that we inspire confidence and professionalism. Let yourself be inspired when you pick your clothes before going to work and make it happen.
Understand your clients and learn to recognize your target.
Knowing your clients and learning to focus on your target and identifying it, is an art that needs to be researched and mastered in order to be successful. Find the time to learn about it and go through what you already know about your potential clients to identify what things you could be improving this next season for your business.
Work on your relationships instead on just your networking.
Everyone is familiar to the concept of networking: socializing in order to make business. But our advice is to move on from that idea and work on building solid relationships that add a value and a rich exchange for you and your company. Get to know the people that could be useful for you and think about how you can be helpful for them too.
Schedule meetings outside the office.
The office environment can be sometimes too cold or add unnecessary extra pressure to a meeting. Whenever you have the chance, try to schedule a meeting with your clients outside the office. Usually people open up and communication is easy if the environment is relaxed.
Get to know your client and every detail about their company.
Finding out everything from the micro to the macro about your client’s business, will help them see you actually care about them and therefore can understand their needs.
Listen and observe before you talk.
Especially at the beginning when you are building a relationship with your clients this new season, take the time to let them talk, observe their body language and make sure you understand what they do and what they need before you display everything you can do for them and all your services available. Actually, if you feel like it would help you, go ahead and record your meetings to go through them afterwards and learn from your mistakes and your strong points during the meeting to perfect your technique.
Have a plan for your meetings.
Every meeting, no matter if it is internal or external is important and should be planned carefully. Have an agenda and set the goals for the meeting. Make sure also that everyone attending it has all the information they need to make it as productive as possible.
Ask your clients for referrals.
Be confident about the work that you performed, and ask your clients to talk about you to other companies and professionals that might be interested in your services. Sometimes you need to ask for things to happen.
Take problems as opportunities to show off.
If there is a problem with an account or a client, don’t assume that it will immediately have a negative impact on you and your company’s image. An unexpected situation can still be a chance for you to perform your best and show your client your best results.
All in all, we want you to think about this summer vacation as a time to improve yours and your company’s performance, take the time to think where and how you can grow and go for it.