The Purpose Of Our “What’s On” Section
If you are wondering why we have decided to create a news section in our website, the reason is pretty simple; we want you to be in the loop of what’s going on tech-wise around world, we want to inform you about what’s happening in the locations our team members are based in, we want you to get to know Inlea and our team, and we would love to share our success with you!
We pride ourselves on offering top quality human resources outsourcing and project management services to clients worldwide, but we don’t stop there – we take care of every team member that joins any international project through us, providing learning resources, training and mentoring as well as doing regular follow-ups with them to support their success and ensure they reach their maximum professional potential.
Our team members are involved in plenty of exciting projects internationally. A lot has been happening over the past few years but we have not had the chance to share all these great stories with the world until now. Part of our new external communications strategy is to spread the word of what’s going on and of how our team members are contributing to making the world a better place through technology and corporate social responsibility actions.
We also want our international team members to connect with each other, get the feeling they all belong to one great worldwide Inlea family in this everchanging big city called Earth and provide them with yet another tool to keep growing professionally: putting them in contact with other likeminded professionals around the world.
Whether you are a potential customer, an Inlea team member, or a prospective job applicant, make sure you follow us on Facebook, Twittwer and Linkedin to stay up to date with all these news as well as all the new job opportunities we offer.