Online Interview Preparation
As more employers embrace video and Web-based technologies to conduct screening interviews with prospective job candidates, it becomes increasingly important for you to be prepared as you begin your job-search.
From Inlea we want to give you some tips for how to prepare for your interview and how to succeed in it.
- Get the right equipment.
It would be terrible if you found out that your microphone or webcam didn’t work right before your interview. In order to have a successful online interview, make sure your technology set up works by testing it with a friend on multiple applications such as Skype. - Select the Proper Location.
The ideal scenario for your interview location is a secluded room in which you can shut out distractions (and noises), control the lighting, and display a generic background. You should also have a location in which you can be seen on camera from about the waist up — not just your face.
Day of the Video Interview
- Dress up from head to toe.
Even though an online interview usually means the interviewer won’t see anything from the waist down, it doesn’t mean you should only dress up the upper half of your body. You may need to stand up to grab something in the middle of the interview, which would reveal your mismatched bottoms. Avoid this risk and wear interview clothes from head to toe. - Speak slowly and clearly.
When using technology, there can be delays or the microphone may not pick up your voice well. To prevent this from happening, take your time when speaking and enunciate your words. This will make sure that your interviewer can hear and understand you. - Take a Second.
When responding to questions from the interviewer, nod, but take a second before responding in case the connection is weak — so that you don’t end up talking over the interviewer. - Common Intertview Questions.
Here are the most commonly asked interview questions you can expect to be asked in your interview:
- What are your weaknesses?
- Why should we hire you?
- Why do you want to work here?
- What are your goals?
- Why did you leave (or why are you leaving) your job?
- When were you most satisfied in your job?
- What can you do for us that other candidates can’t?
- What are three positive things your last boss would say about you?
- What salary are you seeking?