
Category for inlea/LEGAL posts and articles

How the U.S. will try to regulate cryptocurrency

A series of new legislative and enforcement actions against some digital asset spaces and their stakeholders have provided important...

How does a DAO work?

DAOs have become one of the most disruptive technological innovations of recent times. As the name indicates, Decentralized Autonomous...

Marketing strategies to enter the Web3

Web3, also known as the decentralized web, is a concept that is gaining relevance in the marketing industry. As we discussed in our...

Proof of Attendance Protocol (POAP): New Trend In Web3

In-person events are back and with it new marketing strategies to integrate them into Web3. Now, the trend is to provide a virtual token to...

What are Decentralized Social Networks?

In response to the evolution towards Web 3.0, decentralized social networks have arrived as the alternative to traditional social media. It...

Decentralized finance (DeFi): benefits and use cases

The decentralized finance (DeFi) sector has grown spectacularly in 2021 and everything indicates that the expansion will exponentially...

How to declare Cryptocurrencies in Spain (2022 Guide)

There is no doubt that last year was the great boom of cryptocurrencies. Not only because of the increase in their value and the number of...

What is Web 3.0?

The term “Web3” or “Web 3.0” was first introduced by the Co-founder of the Ethereum cryptocurrency, Gavin Wood, in...

What is GameFi? Blockchain games explained

GameFi has become recently a quite popular concept in the gaming and blockchain industries. Traditional video game users, who are used to...

What is the Metaverse?

In 1992, Neal Stephson introduced this concept when he published his science-fiction novel Snow Crash. While in that time the idea of a...

5 reasons why your company should start using cryptocurrencies

Digital assets such as bitcoin are used more and more in day-to-day business transactions with different purposes: from host of investment...

NFT: A comprehensive guide

Everyone has been talking about NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) since Jack Dorsey – CEO of Twitter – sold his first tuit for 2.9...