Did you think Bitcoin was weird?
Generally speaking, most people around the world understand what currency, as well as credit and debt, are. However, some currency is certainly considered strange.
Here are a list of the weirdest currencies in the world:
Heard of Bitcoin? The open source currency of the Internet?
Well it’s got a competitor – the Dogecoin.It’s a cryptocurrency, or Internet money, which has adopted the likeness of the much loved Shiba Inu dog – made famous with internet memes – as its mascot.
$1 million dollar gold coin
The Royal Canadian Mint describes the production of their $1 million dollar coin as “incredible, but true.” The coin itself weighs 100kg, and is made of 99999 pure gold bullion. There were no intentions to reproduce it initially, but after the first one generated interest, five additional coins have been purchased.
World’s Smallest Coin
The smallest coin historically is the Quarter silver Tara of Vijayanagar, which weighs just .06 grams and has a diameter of 4 mm. Much smaller than the 2 pence coin!
World’s largest note
Worried about inflation? You’d have to go to some lengths to beat Hungary circa 1946, which issued the world record denomination, the 100 Million Billion Pengo.
That’s right: 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 Pengos.
It was worth about 20 cents U.S
Wooden bills
Wooden bills may have been rough on the wallet, but they were one of the ingenious ways that Germans devised to rebuild their economy following World War I. When the war settlement left the German economy in shambles, local townships took to printing “notgeld” (or “emergency money”) on everything from wood and aluminum foil to silk linens and playing cards as a local form of payment until the Reichsbank recovered.
Zairean zaire
The African nation of Zaire, known today as the Democratic Republic of the Congo, doesn’t have money to burn. So when the totalitarian regime of Joseph Mobutu was overthrown in 1997, the new government found itself in a cash crunch until it could design and print new currency. It’s thrifty solution? It took large stacks of 20,000-zaire notes and simply punched out Mobutu’s image.