How to pack to move overseas
Making the decision to pack your things and move overseas is one of the more exhilarating, and terrifying, decisions that you will make in your life. You go through the rush of buying your ticket; finding where you’re going to stay, maybe even plan ahead for some other trips you’ll be taking while you’re there. All of those things are more on the fun side of taking a long extended trip overseas, or even moving to a new country. But one of the hardest parts of moving overseas, is packing your luggage.
For some people, this can be an absolute nightmare, and for others it’s a dream come true. The idea of going through your closet, and bedroom is something that can bring those extra nerves you’re holding to the forefront. Here are some helpful tips and suggestions for getting over that anxiety of packing and becoming a pro.
Important Documents
The first, and probably, most important items that you should be packing are all your documents that you’ll need. Your passport is the most obvious document to pack with you, but you also shouldn’t forget to take any other essential documents that you might need on your move, i.e. birth certificate, marriage license, contract if you’re working, or copy of your visa.
Small Sentimental Items
Even though these items may seem frivolous to bring, it’s important to remember that you’ll be far away from your home country and will want to have some things that remind you of home when the times get a bit tough. These items can range from pictures, to books that will remind you of home and might want to read if you’ll be in a country where you can’t find books in your language, to small trinkets from your home country. While keeping in mind that there is a weight limit to the luggage you can bring, these items can be essential when you to fight off the feelings of homesickness.
The clothes you’ll bring should depend on the kind of environment that you’ll be moving to. If you’re moving to a colder place like Iceland, it’s probably not the best idea to pack half of your suitcase with only shorts. When you pack your clothes, it’s important to keep in mind the kind of clothes that you might be wearing more on a daily basis and those old ripped jeans that still fit, but are starting to fray at the ends. Only pack the bare essentials. This is a good time to cull your closet and really see what you’ll need.
Electronics have become and integral part of our lives now, that we can’t really live without having some kind of electronic with us at all times. Having your cell phone with you is always an essential part of when you’re traveling; without it you wouldn’t be able to make calls back home or be able to contact new friends that you make in the place you’ll move to. Having a laptop or tablet with you is also something that you’ll truly need with you when you move; a travel adapter is majorly important to have with you. If you’ve ever bought one at an airport, you’ll know how expensive they are. Some other good electronics to have are, an external hard drive, great for storing lots of pictures and files, a camera, headphones, for when you’re on the plane or in a noisy area, and some device to play music on, be it your phone or an mp3 player.
Moving, or traveling long term, can be a very exciting prospect. It comes with it’s many challenges, but it will always bring you some form of pride and joy to know that you were able to, and that you packed your bags to go like a pro.