How to hire a wonderful professional
Finding the right fit for your company and your team is a complex task that also brings along many risks.
If we introduce the wrong person it might create conflicts, confusion and affect the workflow and therefore our company’s ways to success, as well as it would reflect on us, the people who chose that person.
That is why we want to make sure that amongst the many different resumes and recommendations we receive, we pick the one that would mean a positive change and extra value to our team.
To help you find that wonderful professional we bring today our best advice.
Be clear about the job description and what you have to offer.
This alone will save you a great amount of time as you will get less people that either don’t fit with the description of what your company needs.
Also by describing what you have to offer you also will avoid uncomfortable situations in which people expects more money or holidays, or those who can’t be available to travel while you need someone flexible to take a plane when it’s needed.
Be clear and specific and you will get clear and specific responses too.
Ask for references, personals too.
Not only is important to check what is described in your candidate resume, but also you want to hear from the people that worked with that person how the experience was and what was that person’s performance and evolution while working there.
Furthermore you also should want to know who they are as an individual, what kind of social environment they have and their personal situations.
You can include questions like: what is your relationship with this person? How did you meet? Why do you think he or she is interested in this position?
Get to know your best candidates.
Take some time to get to know the person you have in front of you, how they react to a comment, where do they come from, what goals do they have in life. Observe them and imagine them in your team, how would they fit and work with the rest of your team members? This is just as important as their education and professional background. You want to make sure you hire a socially healthy, collaborative person.
Go with your gut.
Choosing a person for your team is like choosing a friend for your personal life, when you know, you know. Sometimes you feel an energy and a vibe coming from someone that tells you that you found the right person for the position available. If you feel that, go with it, and let that person show you what they can do for your company.
Set the feedback expectations clear right from the beginning.
During the interview and once you hire the right person, be clear about your expectations and how you want the reviews and feedbacks to work. Especially with a new person joining the team, you are going to want to create a dynamic of control and feedback of what are they doing and any obstacles or news they should report to you. Make sure they understand how your system works and set the first few meetings from the beginning so you both are on the same page.
Also remember to remind the new employee how long the trial period lasts and how it works in your company. Set a path of honesty and trust with your team from the beginning and you will get the same back from them.
Always make yourself personally the introductions
Introduce the new employee to the team personally, and make sure this person is welcomed and clearly introduce to the company dynamics, who is who and what each person does. Having a manual will definitely help them to not get lost in the change and start being productive as soon as possible.
Beyond the professional introductions, we always highly recommend to set an informal gathering including all the new members of the team so they can interact with everyone and feel welcome to their new position.
It is true that there is not a magic formula that works for everybody and every workspace, but these are all great ways to scrutinize to find your next new best employee.