How IOT will change everything you know
Have you heard about IOT? Here is the first thing you need to know: IOT is the umbrella term used to encompass any device that connects to the Internet.
Which, as you can imagine, means that the Internet Of Things list is not only really extensive, but it gets longer and longer really fast.
The opportunities brought to us on a daily basis to the IOT are endless; we don’t need to be physically present anymore to actually be part of the moment. Communications have no boarders now, and this translate into great big changes in the way we work and do business today.
But IOT brings its own challenges too. Specially related to security and privacy. These are issues that companies today will have to face and that will also change the way things have worked until now.
Here are some of those big impacts that IOT will have in our real world:
Healthcare services will become predictive.
Scientists believe that in the next 10 years, we will carry gadgets and body systems that will alert patients and doctors of health irregularities and control existing issues. Does this sound too crazy? Not really, since your phone can keep track on how much you walk everyday and your watch can check your heartbeat.
Smart cities and buildings will be even more real.
Buildings that use rainwater efficiently, or that they know you are there when you park the car so the elevator waits for you to take you to your floor. Cities that only water their parks when its needed based on soil humidity or that directs their traffic according to the changing situation at every minute thanks to a web of cameras, sensors and monitoring technology.
The concept of smart buildings and cities is directly link to green future, and therefore we can expect it happening in our neighbor any time soon, if it hasn’t yet. Actually the plans for smart cities like Shanghai or Dubai are available online so we can have a general idea of what the future looks like.
AI is going to happen.
All the technological devices we use, literally all those objects connected to the Internet collect data about us. Your voice controller in the car or at home “remembers” the things you asked it to do and keeps it in the cloud. All this information helps machines to learn about you, your needs and your preferences. This means that we should expect new technology coming up that will be more intelligent simply by knowing us better.
Cars won’t need a driver anymore.
Yes, in the next 10 years you might start seeing cars moving without a person sitting in front of the wheel. This might sound scary, but is supposed to be safer than a human driver. Driverless technologies are a main goal for car companies. As well as car communication, these technologies are thought to improve safety on the road.
And this new technology might also affect our insurances, if the car can drive itself safer than us, it sure will be included in the contract.
As the number of devices connected to the Internet increases so does the IOT, and as we said, since every one and each of the existing technology we use collects our data, we can only expect it to exponentially grow in the next few years.
The IOT can bring us a more efficient and productive future, it’s only on us to decide how much we want to join it.