Are you a good leader?
Who do you consider to be a good leader?
Maybe it’s a politician, a famous businessperson, or a religious figure. Or maybe it’s someone you know personally like your boss, a teacher, or a friend. You can find people in leadership roles almost everywhere you look.
However, simply having the responsibilities of a leader doesn’t necessarily make a person an effective leader. This is a shame because, with a little study, humility and hard work, all of us can learn to lead effectively.
So, how can you do this?
In this article, we take an in-depth look at some of the important leadership qualities that separate good leaders from a bad one.
You lead when you are needed to.
We’ve all met assertive go-getters who feel the need to be in charge no matter the task at hand. Whether it’s a group project, following an itinerary, or even just a brainstorming session, these people need to be in charge, and they will make sure everyone knows it. Always being in charge, however, doesn’t translate to good leadership. Good leaders know their areas of expertise–they work for the good of the project and not themselves. They know when to stand aside and hand over the baton.
Regardless of the situation and position you are in, always remember that you can’t do everything on your own. Good leaders recognise that delegation does more than simply passing the task to someone else. It is trusting and believing that your employees are able to handle the task given to them.
Delegating to others shows that you have confidence in their abilities, and this can result in a positive morale in the workplace. Your employees want to feel appreciated and trusted. So by giving them a task, they would generally feel honoured that they got selected and they would feel the importance of having them around.
Commitment and passion
Your teams look up to you and if you want them to give them their all, you will have to be passionate about it too. When your teammates see you getting your hands dirty, they will also give their best shot. It will also help you to gain the respect of your subordinates and infuse new energy in your team members, which helps them to perform better.
If they feel that you are not fully committed or lacks passion, then it would be an uphill task for the leader to motivate your followers to achieve the goal.
Good communicator
Until you clearly communicate your vision to your team and tell them the strategy to achieve the goal, it will be very difficult for you to get the results you want. Simply put, if you are unable to communicate your message effectively to your team, you can never be a good leader. A good communicator can be a good leader. Words have the power to motivate people and make them do the unthinkable. If you use them effectively, you can also achieve better results.
You give credit where it’s due
Once a goal is reached, it’s easy for others to place credit on the team leader. Bad leaders reap in the spotlight and are ready to take credit for the end results. Meanwhile, a remarkably good leader never fails to highlight others’ individual work. Using “we” when speaking of triumphs goes a long way. True leaders know they are nothing without the people around them and they are not afraid of showing it.
To become a good leader, you must have all these qualities but if you lack some of these qualities, then you might struggle to make the mark in the world of leadership. You will have to set a good example for others to follow. That is where your commitment, passion, empathy, honesty and integrity come into play. Good communication skills and decision-making capabilities also play a vital role in success and failure of a leader.
Lastly, innovation and creative thinking, as well as the futuristic vision, are a couple of key traits which make a leader stand out.