4 keys for recruiting people overseas
As the world changes and becomes more and more globalized, companies are even more open to find their best professionals to join their teams beyond the borders of their own cities and countries.
Also, many professionals are open to new challenges and are whiling to take on the adventure and moving to a new country to start in a new job, or at least working remotely from their local areas while adapting to a foreign company structure.
But the truth is that in order to actually engage and call the attention of those candidates, companies have to be competitive and offer a really interesting opportunity that would be worth the trouble for the future employee.
That is why the best thing companies can do when it comes to recruiting people overseas is to study each case closely and be generate a competitive offer.
These are 4 key ideas to follow to get on board the best people for your company, no matter where they are in the world.
Be smart
As much as finding brilliant people for your company is supposed to be easier when you look for them with no borders in mind, it also means that there is a high level of competition (the whole world), and also that the process becomes more time consuming as you have to scroll and search through a lot more people.
To avoid wasting way too much energy in the process to find the right candidates, the best you can do is to use different social media and digital tools, but also look for references that would work as actual filters for you to reduce the number of possible candidates more organically.
Learn about the local culture
Job offers change across the world, people value different things, have different names for the same profession and understand the whole recruiting process differently.
This means that in order to engage with people from different areas, we should study the local work culture of those areas and adapt our job offer to them. The more we new about a specific culture, the best you can tailor your job description to find the best values for your company.
Understand an learn the local labor laws of your candidates
Hiring abroad means that we have to deal with different law systems. Whether we are asking our candidates to move or if we are hiring them to be part of a branch of our company abroad, we have to know exactly what the legislation of the country says about it.
How contracts work, salaries, and make sure we are classifying our employees correctly. Otherwise we might be facing an actual lawsuit and really affecting our own company.
Therefore, in the cases in which we are hiring to keep those oversea candidates local in their areas, probably the best advice we can give you is to hire a local expert in labor laws and make sure that we are doing the whole process according to the law.
Develop a complete plan to recruit abroad
Again the plan would definitely depend on whether we are recruiting abroad to bring people towards our location or to maintain them where they are.
Regardless of the case, the most important part is to create a plan that is clear and structured to follow and that would definitely make our lives much easier later on if we have to recruit more people in that area.
In order to do so, it is key to know how to transmit what your company does and how does it work. Also when we are managing teams that are abroad, it is important to define which decisions are on them and which ones would have to be consulted and agreed with the main office.
It is true that recruiting overseas and finding the right people that would work and match your company when you are not local in those specific areas can seem extremely complicated and risky, but it is all about opening our mind, good communication and working on our ability to create a good plan to welcome them onboard and adapt to the areas while keeping your company culture strong and cohesive.